If you always find yourself needing to alter your garments and you've been thinking about learning how to do it yourself, this is the perfect class to get you started.
If this is your first open alterations workshop, we recommend coming in with a variety of different clothes that require basic alterations such as hemming, tapering pant legs, repairing holes etc. This will help you ease into the world of altering your own clothes and gives you the opportunity to discuss more complex alterations with the teacher for future sessions.
In this open class, you'll not only work on your own garment but also learn from others in the group. Each participant brings a different type of garment, providing a rich learning experience.
Participants are usually able to achieve 1-2 basic garment alterations in the three hour timeframe, however, everyone works at their own pace and this should only be used as a guide only.
To get the most out of this alterations class, we require participants to attend our Sewing For Beginners class and Introduction To Garment Making class first. Or if you've acquired your sewing skills elsewhere, you should have made at least one garment following a commercial pattern before attending this Open Alterations Workshop.
Please note, we are unable to work with denim or leather as these materials require industrial sewing machines.